Is DrivePur an innovative program?
DrivePur is part of an overall program, which includes an innovative, broad spectrum health and wellness solution, coupled with aggressive marketing and retention strategies. DrivePur stands alone in responding to the rapidly growing consumer demand for healthier and cleaner environments inside vehicles.
What the are the DrivePure benefits?
The growing appetite for botanical and health-conscious products, coupled with a growing awareness of how contaminant ridden our vehicles are is driving demand for products like DrivePur.
What does the customer receive when acquiring the product?​
• Our Botanical and health-conscious hospital-grade disinfectant FRESCH™ is applied as a first step with every DrivePur application.
• DrivePur is then applied as an enhanced cleaner to help Bridge the gap between regular cleaning.
• Clear customer communications including an agreement outlining the costs and benefits of the program.
• Reapplications every 6 months to ensure the continued strength and performance of the DrivePur product.​
• Text and email reminders educating consumer for reapplication and value of a DrivePur protected vehicle.
Is DrivePur safe for families and pets?
Yes. DrivePur used as directed uses a natural mineral and is safe for your family, pets and the environment.
Where can I acquire DrivePur?
You can acquire DrivePur applications at certified participating auto dealerships near you.